“Let Food be thy medicine”

Happy National Nutrition Month!

So why is good nutrition important? Well, it’s no secret that diet and exercise are crucial components to an individual’s health and well-being. The Journal of American Medical Association determined that diseases related to poor diet were the leading causes of death in the United States. Throughout the world, nutrient-rich dietary patterns were associated with reduced risk of death from all causes. So can food really be considered as medicine? Read the points below to decide for yourself!

Good nutrition helps you live longer! Heart disease, stroke, some cancers, etc. are all highly preventable with proper nutrition. Healthy eating can help people with chronic diseases manage their conditions and avoid complications.

Good nutrition makes you happier!

Research has shown that adults who eat more fruits and vegetables are happier, less depressed, and more satisfied with their lives.

Good nutrition helps you fight off illnesses! Eating a balanced, healthy diet helps support our immune system. This prevents us from getting sick and can help us recover from injuries or infections faster.

Good nutrition helps you maintain a healthy weight!

The amounts and types of food we eat have a direct impact on our weight. Eating a proper diet can help burn body fat and make it easier to maintain a healthy weight as we age. Burning body fat makes us feel good, look good, and can actually “age” us in reverse!

From this day forth, "Let food by thy medicine.” Your body will thank you for it!


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